Tuesday 20 September 2011

Sudden death from cardiac arrest - All the facts and a few who do not want you

!±8± Sudden death from cardiac arrest - All the facts and a few who do not want you

Among the many diseases afflicting humanity, the SCA is one of the most insidious. Basically it is the sudden, unexpected cessation of all regular cardiac activity. As stated below, is to offer a little 'more - but this is a good, functional definition of the moment.

The problem

Sudden cardiac arrest or SCA, although more common in older people is not limited to a specific age group. Children, athletes, people in the prime of life, almost allSCA can experience. The reason is that there are a number of different triggers. One of the most common is the regular heart attack, in which one or both are blocked coronary arteries by fatty deposits and plaque, resulting in reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. In fact, sudden cardiac arrest is often preceded by one or more heart attacks. Other triggers are: congestive heart disease, sudden, severe effects on the breast, and congenital (presentat birth) heart defects.

Survival rates for sudden cardiac arrest are quite bleak. Less than five percent of people suffer cardiac arrest outside a medical institution to survive. This is due to the fact that a person is only about five 56 minutes to get medical care before the start of the brain and body to receive the death. The time frame is painfully short, because of what happens to the heart during sudden cardiac arrest.

Unlike a heart attack inWith a sudden cardiac arrest, an electrical disturbance in the lower chambers of the heart, making it "flicker" to. Fibrillation is a condition in which the heart stops beating, but go to a chaotic motion shaking. Since this is in the lower chambers of the heart, the ventricle is known as, is known as ventricular fibrillation. At this point the body and the brain receives more oxygen and when the heart beats normally again in a few minutes,Damage to the brain, then follow the death of the body.

Approximately 250,000 deaths each year in the U.S. due to a sudden cardiac arrest. What can we do? Well, firstly, knowledge of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), ideal for all users have the clock - especially those of us with people who have heart disease are known and are living with high risk of heart problems. This can be used on a victim of sudden cardiac arrest, but it is a disease of success.

What canReady?

The ideal solution would be a defibrillator in the vicinity of the victim have the time of crisis. But for home use, portable defibrillators are underutilized today, especially because the public is not aware of how it should be. This is the same unit of general practitioners use on victims of sudden cardiac arrest when they reach the scene. Unfortunately, due to the small widow opened the possibility to save the life of the person, these attempts often arrive too late.

Automated ExternalDefibrillators are not new, but in its current form (from about the mid-90s) to a new device and truly revolutionary. I've seen only once in the hands of trained professionals, can now be purchased for less than the cost of a night at the local hospital (OK, I know, so a trip to the Bahamas or a Ming vase 100 years - well because I have little 'more specific). You can choose one for less than $ 1,500, maybe even a thousand, if you are willinglook around.

You are able to speak a non-trained rescuers through the entire process of defibrillation - and after noting, even if defibrillation is necessary. Some units will not even talk the rescuer through the CPR, if necessary.

What does this mean for the people most at risk?

It means "come" Do not worry about the paramedics too late to care. "These devices are portable. When they go to dinner or the movies as they can take. If the worst happensthey can rest easier knowing that survival rates increase from 5% to about 75% if defibrillation is administered within a few minutes after the onset of sudden cardiac arrest.

Sudden cardiac arrest has been tamed by the introduction of this new generation of defibrillators. What we need now is more public awareness and education. And we need more portable defibrillators in homes (where 80% of the victims are, in case of strikes SCA) and branches to be seen throughout the county.

We also need to seePortable defibrillators in schools, colleges and universities. It is not uncommon for young athletes or college students suffer a cardiac arrest and dying to hear, because medical personnel could not reach the scene in time.

What to expect

Happen because some of the above positive, we see a day, the mortality rate from sudden cardiac arrest begins a dramatic decline. But we hope to happen as soon as possible.
Spread the word, is not it?

And on thisNote:

if you want to increase awareness of this issue, copy, improve and e-mail this product to the local Congress or the Congress - no one really know who will benefit from the information.

Sudden death from cardiac arrest - All the facts and a few who do not want you

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